Life Advice



Ask Amy: Parents ponder daughter's prison contact

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Give Allie the letter from her mother. Tell her that you will help if she wants to contact her mother. I think it's also important that you continue to read and monitor any letters sent to Allie, in order to make sure that she is not being manipulated or asked to send money to her mother in prison.

Allie's attitude regarding this will cycle as she grows older. You want to be the steady, unflappable people in her corner -- always available, honest, and protective.

Dear Amy: We are three sisters. I am the oldest, my sister "C" is a year younger, and our third sister, "A," is 10 years younger than us.

"C" and "A" are both artists.

A, is currently living overseas. Recently she sent me a small arty gift from an art supply outlet.

There was no special occasion; we had been enjoying our email communications, and maybe she sent it to help me get through the pandemic isolation.


I mentioned the gift to my middle sister, C, who then said that A had sent her the same thing, but minus the paint and the roller.

I said, "A probably didn't send you the paint and the roller because she figured you already had some."

I thought this since both are artists, this explanation made sense.

C was offended and felt slighted. Now I'm sorry I mentioned it.


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