Life Advice



Ask Amy: Partner's proximity breeds contempt

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

-- Just Wondering

Dear Wondering: My assumption is that this decision has been made on a state-by-state basis -- influenced, no doubt, by powerful lobbying efforts.

You might also envision one state keeping liquor stores closed, while a neighboring state keeps theirs open (and some states sell wine and liquor in grocery stores, further complicating the issue). People living within driving distance of a state border might choose to travel (potentially spreading the virus) in order to purchase alcohol.

But this isn't really about "essential businesses." This is about your wife's drinking, and how painful and destructive her alcoholism is for you.

If you have not connected with a "friends and family" support group up to now, this is the ideal time to start. The rehab facility where she sought treatment will likely have suggestions for ways to connect with the loved ones of addicts who have been treated there.

Fortunately, Al-Anon is offering virtual meetings. Check

Dear Amy: I just read the letter from the "Anxious Parents," whose mother-in-law refused to get a flu shot.

I totally agree with your response that it is very important for these young parents to set a firm boundary regarding interaction with this grandmother and their at-risk child.


I would also add that new parents should also require that people coming in contact with a new baby be vaccinated against pertussis (whooping cough).

Thanks for using your column to share honest health information.

-- Oregon Grandma

Dear Grandma: It strains credulity that anyone would refuse a useful, proven, and safe vaccine. Surely right now, we are all hoping for one.


(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)




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