Life Advice



Ask Amy: COVID-19 pushes one spouse out of bed

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

As of this writing, the virus has not swept through your region. Perhaps you will get lucky, and it will somehow diminish before it gets to you.

Where I live, people are not leaving their houses. The entire region is locked down. The mere act of getting into a car and going somewhere "nonessential" seems like a far-off prospect.

You have the individual right to be lax, or foolish. You could get lucky and not get this virus. Or you could contract the virus and not have symptoms, so you would never know it.

You don't have the right to potentially expose other people with impunity.

Do I think you should necessarily wear rubber gloves while you prepare dinner? No.

But if your husband was confident that you washed your hands and had washed surfaces you'd touched, he might not freak out quite so much. (He can also make dinner, by the way...).


Bottom line: if you took this more seriously, your husband might feel more comfortable sleeping with you. It's time for you to dial in to the reality of what is happening. Don't just react with annoyance to your husband. Talk to him about his anxieties and see if you can approach this menace as a loving team.

Dear Amy: Many of your readers write in with questions concerning their spouse or siblings without ever revealing anyone's gender -- including their own.

Why do you suppose that is? As a gay man, I waited 23 years to legally marry my husband of two years.

Now married, I can't imagine referring to him as anything other than my husband.


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