Life Advice



Ask Amy: Mom's picky eating creates embarrassment

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

I've been hanging out with new people, and I'm a lot happier.

I've met some pretty awesome people, and I'm less afraid.

I've watched some of the movies you've recommended, and that's why I like your column. You seem to love movies, and your advice is direct.

Thank you so much for printing my letter. It really helped me, and I hope it also helps other women who have a similar situation.

-- No longer "Angry Ashley"

Dear No Longer: Your original question outlined a "friends with benefits" relationship where you didn't enjoy the friendship, nor (as far as I could tell) any benefits.

Thank you so much for the positive update! I'm happy that you are taking good care of yourself. Your relationship with yourself is the only one guaranteed to last.


Dear Amy: Your answer to "Going Nuts in Niagara Falls," about the squirrels overrunning her new property was terrible! Squirrels do not take well to relocation. These animals deserve protection, not relocation.

-- Squirrel Lover

Dear Lover: In an unplanned and perfectly ironic twist, this column ran on "Squirrel Appreciation Day." My inbox is now flooded with anti-Amy mail, much of it, very possibly, written by squirrels.


(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)




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