Life Advice



Parents create a helicopter commute for sons

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Now, they have bought a home nearby.

I need to set boundaries with this person as soon as possible.

Even though they will be in the same city as us, I'd rather not spend time with them.

My husband knows how I feel. He agrees that she's over the top.

I don't mind if he goes to visit them, but I'd rather have a root canal than spend time with her.

What should I do?

-- Dreading

Dear Dreading: Congratulations! You are an adult, and you have the right and responsibility to make choices regarding your own well-being. Yes, if you don't want to be fat-shamed and put down by this in-law, then definitely avoid her.


If your husband spends time with this couple and your sister-in-law asks where you are, he can always respond, "She's sorry she can't see you, but she's getting a root canal."

Dear Amy: In a recent letter regarding destination weddings, both the letter writer and you used the term PSA. I looked it up and there are many different definitions. I'm sure I'm not alone among older readers who are very frustrated by all of the new acronyms in use these days.

-- Old Geezer

Dear Geezer: I was surprised by the number of queries I received, asking what in tarnation a "PSA" is. I apologize for not spelling it out.

PSA in this context refers to "public service announcement," NOT "prostate-specific antigen."

(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)




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