Life Advice



Uncle needs to do some uncle-ing

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

I can't speak to your younger brother's choice to go ballistic. You are not offering judgments here -- you are merely demonstrating some leadership.

Dear Amy: The best grocery in my town has great made-to-order sandwiches at an excellent price. I have been effusive in my praise and thanks to the woman at the counter who is always there in the early morning when I typically place my order.

Over time, the attitude of the person making the sandwiches has changed visibly, where it is clear that she is unhappy to see me and to make the sandwich.

Once I realized that my order interrupts her morning prep work, I have now minimized those requests. On several occasions, I've even apologized to her for placing the order.

But recently I ordered a sandwich later in the day and got the same unfriendly response. And now I have begun to wonder whether this is her problem, or mine.

There is no restriction posted on when a sandwich can be ordered.


So what do I do? Say something to her? Say something to the manager? Stop ordering a sandwich that is healthy and tasty because it makes the employee unhappy?

I don't want to do anything to hurt this person at her job as I see she works very hard and I am sympathetic to her. But there is something upside down about this and I don't know what to do.

-- Sandwich Guy

Dear Sandwich Guy: This is not your problem. So far, the only problem I see is that you are apologizing for patronizing a local business, and cheerfully and respectfully asking someone to do her job.


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