Life Advice



Husband insists on distractedly driving dangerously

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: My husband insists on being the driver on both long and short car trips.

He prefers his driving over my driving, as well as that of other family members or friends.

However, he has a bad habit of texting or otherwise playing on his phone while driving. I've told him to stop because I feel it is dangerous, but he feels he is in control and can "do both things at once."

As the passenger, I've offered to search on his phone or reply to an email or text on his behalf, but he doesn't accept these offers.

Most frequently, he gets annoyed at the suggestion that he put his phone away while driving. Before trips even begin, I've offered to drive, especially if the trip is happening during "business hours." He refuses.

Most recently, we were on a family vacation drive that started on a Friday. My spouse spent the three-hour drive either taking conference calls, checking and responding to email, texting, and on Slack (instant messenger).


I don't know what to do. It makes me so uncomfortable for him to be on the phone while driving, but he won't let me take the wheel.

Your insight?

-- Co-Pilot

Dear Co-Pilot: If this driving dynamic continues -- with your husband "not letting" you drive while he drives dangerously -- then eventually (as the popular country western song says) Jesus is going to take the wheel, eliminating this problem altogether.


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