Life Advice



Girlfriend drama brings on 'Three-Thanksgiving' rule

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Instead, I say nothing, and seethe. There isn't always someone else around who is caring enough to correct them for me. Please advise!

-- Blamed for the Name

Dear Blamed: If there is another word or phrase that rhymes with your name, use it: "Kyrie, rhymes with 'weary'" -- or "Milada," rhymes with 'de nada'."

Tell your friends or others who habitually mispronounce it: "Can I be honest with you? You always mispronounce my name, and it really bothers me! Here's how to pronounce it..."

After one honest, calm and patient correction, then yes, if this happens again, definitely ask them what is wrong with them.

Dear Amy: The letter from "Sad Mom" brought tears to my eyes, remembering my own struggles when I was a new mother of two babies.


Thank you for suggesting she might have post-partum depression. I didn't have it with my first, but had severe post-partum with my second. Honestly, the minute I got a diagnosis, I started to feel better.

-- Fine Now

Dear Fine: It is truly terrible to struggle, blaming yourself for a character flaw when you are actually sick. A diagnosis is the important first step to healing.


(You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: Readers may send postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or "like" her on Facebook.)




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