Life Advice



Neighbor worries that neighbor has mental illness

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

DEAR AMY: My neighbor, who is otherwise clean and healthy, imagines being spied upon, imagines break-ins and is generally paranoid. My neighbor is clearly disturbed by these thoughts and I worry this person might go "over the edge."

I don't know any of my neighbor's friends or family, if there are any. What can I do? -- Concerned Neighbor

DEAR CONCERNED: I shared your question with Dr. Ken Duckworth, medical director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. He and I agree that, depending on the severity of this situation, you could start by simply asking your neighbor, "Do you have a friend or family member I can call for you?"

You can also call the National Alliance on Mental Illness helpline at: 800-950-NAMI (6264) ( Trained volunteers answer calls such as yours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (EST) Monday through Friday.

You don't provide details, but also keep in mind that some of the behavior you notice could also be signs of dementia.

If you feel this person's actions rise to the alarming stage and pose a risk to him/herself or others, call 911 and be very specific with the dispatcher that this is a mental health call. Report exactly what you see. Some police departments have crisis intervention teams. Ask if there is a CIT officer available. Then repeat all of this to the responding officers, for instance: "This is a mental health call. I don't think she is dangerous, but she is delusional and I think she might need to be transported to a hospital." (Officers may not have received all the information you conveyed to the dispatcher.)


Mental illness 911 calls pose a risk, both to the person suffering and to responding officers, so conveying and repeating correct information is vital.

DEAR AMY: Some years ago, I had a vasectomy, thinking at the time that I would never want to have children.

I am now engaged to a woman (Catholic) who wants to have children. I have changed my mind, and would like to have children as well.

At the time I had the operation, the doctor told me there would be an 80 percent chance of reversing it. I have decided to reverse it. Is it necessary for me to tell my fiancee about this?


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