Health Advice



Treatment For Prostate Cancer Hinges On Its Aggressiveness

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I had a biopsy done, and several samples showed prostate cancer. A PET scan showed no other cancer. My doctor is uneasy about removal or treatment because of my age (80 years old). Otherwise, I am in excellent health. What treatment, if any, should I have? -- R.B.

ANSWER: Prostate cancer really isn't one disease. There's a ...Read more

Mycobacterium Is Found After An Aortic Valve Replacement

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: In December 2023, I had an open-heart aortic valve replacement. All went well, but then I contracted a staph infection. I had to have a second procedure to remove the top four sternal wires, leaving me with a baseball-sized wound that required a vacuum drain and antibiotics. During my treatment course, my infectious disease ...Read more

Appearance Of Seborrheic Keratoses Calls For A CT Scan

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 70-year-old woman who has led a healthy, active life. There is a history of cancer on both sides of my family. I've been seeing my dermatologist for seborrheic keratoses for many years. The "seb Ks" that have been biopsied were all been benign. In the past several months, they have grown to be very large or small warts ...Read more

Man With High Cholesterol Might Need A Higher Dosage Of Meds

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 69-year-old male who is being treated for high blood pressure and high cholesterol; both are well-controlled. My recent cholesterol level was 150 mg/dL with an LDL of 56 mg/dL and an HDL of 42 mg/dL. I'm on 10 mg of rosuvastatin, and I do intensive workouts with a trainer four days a week and hike two to three days a ...Read more

Vomiting And Difficulty Eating Could Signify Gastroparesis

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 71-year-old healthy, active woman. I normally work out six days a week and used to be in very good shape. I am having stomach issues, which caused me to lose 20 pounds since the end of December 2023. I was thin to begin with and have lost a significant amount of muscle and most of my body fat. I was diagnosed with ...Read more

Patient With Recurrences Of Diverticulitis Debates Surgery

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I've had diverticulitis repeatedly since 2016. It's been bad enough 10 times (with belly pain and fever) that I was given antibiotics. I've had it at least that many more times where I wasn't as ill (usually just had belly pain), and I didn't take antibiotics, since it went away on its own. I have not needed to be hospitalized ...Read more

Diabetic Patient Wants To Switch From Metformin To Ozempic

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I have Type 2 diabetes. My BMI is 29. My last A1C was 8.4%. I currently take metformin and glipizide. I've asked my doctor about the new medications, like Ozempic and Mounjaro, but he is reluctant to prescribe them. The past two times we've discussed it, he talked me out of it, saying that I'd have to take it the rest of my ...Read more

Statin Causes Muscle Pain In Patient With High Blood Pressure

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I had a CT calcium scan, and my score was 530. My doctor said that this was high, so he put me on a statin (Lipitor). But it debilitated me with so much muscle pain that I had to stop. I am wondering if there is something other than a statin to help lower cholesterol. My doctor told me to go on the Mediterranean-style diet, ...Read more

Accutane Isn't To Blame For Affecting Woman's Fertility

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: My daughter is in her 30s and has been experiencing infertility for several years. She and her husband have been tested, and the issue is her egg quality. She has had several rounds of in vitro fertilization with no success.

At age 19, she was prescribed Accutane for her acne. She had to take a monthly pregnancy test in order ...Read more

X-Ray Done For Lower Back Pain Results In The Finding Of A Tumor

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: My husband is 81 and in good health. He doesn't have any blood in his urine or any other abnormal symptoms. He recently had an X-ray done for lower back pain, and the radiologist observed abnormalities that resulted in a CT scan with contrast (oral and IV). The major finding is as follows: "There is an ill-defined soft tissue ...Read more

Insomnia And Increased Urination Occur After Stopping Alcohol

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I switched to nonalcoholic beer a week ago due to an upcoming fibroscan on my liver later next month. I was diagnosed with a mild fatty liver this past August. I'm experiencing insomnia, plus I get up to urinate five to six times a night. Previously, it was only two to three times a night. Any thoughts or recommendations? -- A....Read more

Eliquis Still Being Absorbed Properly Amid Removal Of Stomach

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: I take Eliquis. I have no stomach; it was totally removed as a preventative measure due to the risk of stomach cancer. So, I have been trying to find out how much of this expensive drug is actually being absorbed. So far, my cardiologist, my primary care physician, nor my pharmacist can answer this question. I sent an email to ...Read more

Lesion On Lung Could Be Scar Tissue, Infection, Cancer, Etc.

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: My childhood friend just emailed me that she has a 1.1-cm lesion on her lung. It was found on a CT scan. She's having another CT scan today. She is a former smoker and has COPD. Is the lesion something that's part of COPD? What's the difference between a lesion and something else? -- J.B.

ANSWER: A "lesion" is simply a term ...Read more

Analyzing The Different Causes Behind A Stroke

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: In February, I had a stroke. I received no warning, and the stroke affected my left side. My doctor put me on blood pressure medication, but not a blood thinner. The stroke has left me with numbness in my left side, but I can use my limbs OK. What I want to know is: What causes people to have a stroke? Once you have had one, ...Read more

Botox Injections Used For Treating An Overactive Bladder

Health Advice / Keith Roach /

DEAR DR. ROACH: In two weeks, I am supposed to get Botox injections in my bladder for an overactive bladder (OAB) and my frequent need to urinate at nighttime. Are these injections safe? Are there any bad side effects? How long do they work? -- D.J.

ANSWER: The initial treatment for OAB symptoms usually consists of lifestyle changes (i.e., ...Read more



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