


Chicken dons tiny glasses to watch solar eclipse, lays an egg


Published in Weird News

(UPI) One unusual solar eclipse spectator who watched the sun disappear in Arkansas is going viral for her particularly tiny pair of protective glasses -- and her feathered form.

Tad Fendley, of Amity, watched the eclipse Monday with his pet chicken, Gertrude, in his arms and wearing her own pair of eclipse protection glasses.

Fendley's sister, Carolyn Fendley Shell, snapped a photo of the scene and posted it to social media, earning Gertrude several new fans.


Fendley told KTHV-TV that Gertrude was so excited by her first solar eclipse that she laid an egg during the event.

The brother and sister said they attempted to outfit their cows with eclipse glasses so they could also enjoy the rare phenomenon, but the animals weren't interested in donning eye wear.

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