


The Twelve Commandments of Flaming pt. 4


Published in Jokes

... continued from above

10. Doubt their existence: You've never actually seen your opponent, have you? And since you're the center of the universe, you should have seen them by now, shouldn't you? Therefore, THEY DON'T EXIST! This is the beauty of flamers' logic.

11. Lie, cheat, steal, leave the toilet seat up.


12. When in doubt, insult: If you forget the other 11 rules, remember this one. At some point during your wonderful career as a Flamer you will undoubtedly end up in a flame war with someone who is better than you. This person will expose your lies, tear apart your arguments, make you look generally like a bozo. At this point, there's only one thing to do: INSULT THE JERKBAG!!! "Oh yeah? Well, your mother does strange things with vegetables."


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1 and Done David Horsey Barney & Clyde Kevin Siers Carpe Diem Dana Summers