


White to Play and Mate the Knight in Three

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

A little fun with our last puzzle this week. The kings are taking the day off, so White will now checkmate the knight. That’s right! White will attack the knight and it won’t be able to avoid capture. Enjoy!

Composed by D. J. Densmore: 1.d7–d8Q Ne1–f3 [1...Ne1–g2 2.Qd8–d4 Ng2–e1 3.Qd4–e4 “mate”; 1...Ne1–c2 2.Qd8–d2 Nc2–a3 3.Qd2–d3 “mate”; 1...h5–h4 2.Qd8–d1 Ne1–g2 3.Qd1–d2 “mate”] 2.Qd8–d5 Nf3–e1 [2...Nf3–h4 3.Qd5–e4 “mate”; 2...Nf3–g1 3.Qd5–g2”mate”]3.Qd5–e4 “mate”


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