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Bread Is A Dessert

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All of us are so aware of diabetes we know the pancreas sends out insulin. Insulin stimulates the cells in your body to absorb that sugar and get it out of your blood.

That’s its first job.

When there is more sugar than your body needs, that insulin has no choice but to tell your body to turn the excess into fat.

That’s it’s second job.

It isn’t just table sugar that makes you fat. All the carbohydrates you eat have the potential to make you fat because your body breaks all of them down into sugar.

So let’s get back to bread. And the politics and marketing of our food supply.


All of the food marketers, doctors, nutritionists and even the government will tell you that you need carbohydrates to live. Maybe so, but you can get all the carbohydrates you need from the veggies and the fruits you eat. Plus, your body can make carbohydrates. You don’t need bread or pasta or potatoes to accomplish the job. You don’t need bread to live. It’s just a bad habit we picked up a very long time ago. And we convinced ourselves we needed it.

We don’t.

Whole Wheat vs. White

All the commercials nowadays use phrases like, whole grain, whole wheat…implying that all of that will make you healthy.


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