From the Right



How History Will Remember Biden

When Vice President Joe Biden met with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Beijing in 2011, the two men joked about their age.

"I note that we were born in the same year," Wen said when they made a joint public appearance. "You have spent about 35 years in public service, and I've been working in the government compound of Beijing for more or less ...Read more

Republicans Backing Away From Most Important Issue of Our Day

When can you deliberately kill an innocent human being?

Answer: Never.

But that is not what the Republican Party says in the new platform it approved at its convention this week.

When President Ronald Reagan was running for reelection in 1984, the Republican Party adopted a platform that unequivocally called for the legal protection of all ...Read more

Debt Up $7 Trillion Under Biden

Since President Joe Biden was inaugurated, the federal debt has increased by more than $7 trillion.

On Jan. 20, 2021, the day of Biden's inauguration, it was $27,751,896,236,414.77, according to data published by the U.S. Treasury Department. As of this Fourth of July, it was $34,847,568,990,054.13.

That is an increase of $7,095,672,753,639....Read more

Will Biden Ever Hold Another Solo Press Conference?

When the 69-year-old former governor of California ran for president in 1980, his political adversaries and the establishment media often focused on the same theme: Ronald Reagan was "too old."

Gannett News Service published a story in February that explained how George H.W. Bush -- who was running against Reagan for the Republican nomination...Read more

The Internet Nation

The baby boom generation -- born in the years from 1946 through 1964 -- grew up without cellphones or personal computers.

Whatever they read in their childhood years was almost always printed on some kind of paper -- whether it was a newspaper, a magazine, a novel or a textbook.

When they watched television, they could only choose between a ...Read more

Border Patrol Encountered 932 Afghans at Southwest Border In 156 Days

There is good reason for Americans to be concerned about individuals from Afghanistan coming across our southern border.

When Gen. Michael Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command, testified in the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 7 he issued a warning about ISIS-K, a terrorist group based in Afghanistan.

"[V]arious groups in the ...Read more

Pro-Transgenderism, Pro-Abortion Governors Speak Out About Climate Change

"This is the question: Are we working for a culture of life or for a culture of death?"

That is how Pope Francis characterized the central issue at a summit meeting held last month at the Vatican.

This summit was not about protecting babies from abortion. Its title was: "From Climate Crisis to Climate Resilience" -- and both Gov. Gavin ...Read more

Can Russian and Chinese Agents Legally Vote in Washington, DC?

Suppose Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping made an agreement: All their personnel stationed in Washington, D.C., would vote for the same candidates running in Washington's local elections.

How many votes would this hypothetical alliance deliver? Perhaps not many -- but more than a few.

The New York Times ...Read more

Should Sotomayor Cry Some More?

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor visited Harvard University last week to accept the Radcliffe Medal, which, says Harvard, "is presented annually to an individual who has had a transformative impact on society."

In 2018, Harvard gave the award to Hillary Clinton -- the former secretary of state who lost the 2016 presidential election to ...Read more

Legacy of Iran's Late President: Tyranny and Terrorism

For Iran's late President Ebrahim Raisi -- who died this week in a helicopter crash -- the question was not whether terrorism was good or evil, but who perpetrated it against whom.

Raisi condemned the terrorist attack that the Islamic State launched this January against Iranians who were commemorating the death of Qassem Soleimani, who was ...Read more

President Biden's Chinese Cosmetics

Since President Joe Biden was inaugurated, the United States has imported more than $1.5 trillion in goods from the People's Republic of China, according to the Census Bureau's publicly released data for the period from February 2021 through March 2024.

At the same time, China has purchased only approximately $477 billion in exports from the ...Read more

They Spent $29,284 per Pupil, but Only 28% of 8th Graders Were Proficient in Math

The public schools in the state of New York doled out $29,284 per pupil in "current expenditures" in fiscal year 2022, said a report published this week by the Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics.

"Current expenditures comprise expenditures for the day-to-day operation of schools and school districts for public ...Read more

Blinken Meets With Genocide Perpetrator

When Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a press conference last week to announce that the State Department was releasing its 2023 country reports on human rights practices, he said the People's Republic of China was engaging in genocide in Xinjiang Province.

"The report documents atrocities reminiscent of humanity's darkest moments," ...Read more



Bill Day Randy Enos John Deering Taylor Jones Pat Byrnes RJ Matson