From the Right



CNN used to cover scandals. Now it's immersed in them.

Ruben Navarrette Jr. on

And no real journo who has spent more than five minutes working for a major media company will buy the line that these three people are solely to blame. There had to be higher-ups at CNN who signed off on this flawed story. The fact that none of the brass has stepped up to take responsibility does not reflect well on them.

Say, how's that for a new slogan:

"CNN: Not letting the fact that we're not perfect get in the way of demanding perfection from others."

On top of all that, Project Veritas -- an outfit accused of intentionally deceptive editing and whose founder was sentenced to three years' probation for his role in the illegal infiltration of a Democratic senator's office -- released a video in which a CNN producer says that the story of the Trump campaign's allegedly colluding with Russia to win the election is "mostly bull----." He suggests that CNN is driving the story for the sake of ratings and revenue.

Then came another Project Veritas video featuring CNN contributor Van Jones saying that "the Russia thing is just a big nothing-burger." Jones has called the video "edited, right-wing propaganda." A statement from CNN's public relations department suggested that everyone's job is safe because the network values different points of view and "diversity of personal opinion is what makes CNN strong."

Diversity of opinion? At CNN? Seriously? They must mean that -- with the Zuckerization of its political coverage -- the network now offers viewers anti-Trump hatred from the left, right and center. That's something.


As a former CNN contributor who offered commentary and analysis on the network for more than 20 years, I almost can't bear to watch this train wreck. Of course, ever since Trump got elected president, I also can't bear to watch CNN.


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