From the Right



Mr. President, just say ‘neyt’

Michael Reagan on

Making Sense by Michael Reagan

The good news is I’m feeling a lot better than I did on Sunday.

The bad news is that despite being vaxxed a year ago and boosted about ten days ago, I’ve come down with COVID.

I, my wife Colleen and my son, his wife and one of their young kids have just caught the omicron variant – or it’s caught us.

I guess you could say we’re on the COVID family plan.

To say the least, it’s been a real kick in the butt.


For almost two years my wife and I listened to the “science” and the people in charge and did everything you’re supposed to do to protect yourself and prevent the virus from spreading to others.

But it turns out it doesn’t matter whether you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, masked or unmasked, the virus is a virus and one of its variants eventually is going to get you.

I’m not worried though. I heard Dr. Fauci say we’ll have a vaccine for omicron by March.

Meanwhile, from my couch I see that President Biden is in a serious squabble with Vladimir Putin over his threat to invade Ukraine.


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