From the Right



Russia is not our worst enemy

Michael Reagan on

Before that they conquered Tibet – what the Communist Party propagandists called the "Peaceful Liberation of Tibet."

They’ve also built islands for military purposes in the South China Sea and lately have been intimidating Taiwan by flying warplanes into that free country’s airspace.

China has paid no price for any of the evil it’s done to people outside or inside its borders, not even for oppressing 12 million mostly Muslim Uyghurs and putting a million of them into concentration camps.

China should worry everyone on the planet, but it’s the Russians we’re supposed to fear? Like so much of the Biden administration's foreign policy “thinking,” it makes no sense.

So don’t worry about Russia starting World War III over Ukraine, folks.


WWIII started decades ago. It’s us against China, not Russia – and we’re losing.


Copyright 2022 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

Copyright 2022 Michael Reagan, All Rights Reserved. Credit:




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