From the Right



Declaring War On The Unvaxxed

Michael Reagan on

Dr. Science wasn’t kidding.

He, Democrat politicians and the liberal media have recently made our national COVID nightmare worse by dividing our already politically split country into two new warring camps – the vaxxed and the unvaxxed.

The vaxxed are the good people and the unvaccinated have become Public Health Enemy Number One. They are the bad, selfish and presumably Trump-leaning Americans who are preventing our total victory over covid.

It’s as if some people who have taken the covid shots carry a cross around with them and when they see someone un-vaxxed they bring it out like they’ve encountered Dracula.

If only every un-vaxxed person in America would give up their bodies and get the jab (or two) – even if they don’t need it or want it – they’d make Fauci, President Biden and the East Coast media nannies very happy.

Then, our leaders promise us, the threat from COVID-19 and its variants would disappear and all our lives could return to “normal” – whatever it is going to look like when we’re all still forced to wear masks and show our vax passports everywhere we go.


I don’t blame the un-vaxxed for the continuing pandemic. As I tweeted the other day, I don’t care whether someone is vaxxed like I am or not.

I don't hate them, either. I realize I’ve hugged, shook hands and eaten dinner with dozens of people who haven’t been jabbed.

People tell me, “You could die.”

Yeah. I’m 76. I could die of a lot of stuff. But I stay healthy. I take all my meds.


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A.F. Branco David Horsey Clay Bennett Bill Bramhall Joel Pett Lisa Benson