From the Right



The Yahoos of Kenosha

Michael Reagan on

If you only watched MSNBC and CNN and didn’t watch the trial, you’d have thought Rittenhouse’s victims were good guys with families who cared deeply for social justice.

The liberal media never questioned what the yahoos were doing in the burning streets of Kenosha, but they all agreed Rittenhouse didn’t belong there.

Maybe he didn’t belong there. Maybe he should have stayed home and watched Kenosha burn like most of the adults in town did.

But the reality is, if you tell the cops to stand down, you can be sure some people will stand up.

Someone had to try to defend the city from the yahoos.


The tragedy - and the main reason Kenosha burned and two people died - is that because the adults in charge of the town hid behind their locked doors, kids like Rittenhouse had to go out to do their job.


Copyright 2021 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.

Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.

Copyright 2021 Michael Reagan, All Rights Reserved. Credit:




Adam Zyglis Bart van Leeuwen Christopher Weyant Andy Marlette Bob Gorrell Darrin Bell