From the Right



Hang In There, America, and Give Thanks

Michael Reagan on

Remember the Cold War? The defeat in Vietnam? The long lines at gas stations? How about double-digit inflation and chronic sky-high unemployment?

Remember how disgracefully our returning Vietnam vets were treated? Spat upon? Afraid to wear their uniforms in public?

We had just as many serious ills during that miserable decade as we do now – plus bell bottoms, disco and a president named Jimmy.

But Americans have the innate ability to right our ship of state no matter how far it lists to the left.

That’s what we did in 1980 when we elected my father and put the country back on the right track.

Within a few years inflation was 3 percent, oil and gas were plentiful and America was back better and stronger than ever.


We were able to make that comeback because, thankfully, America has elections every two and four years that allow us to correct our worst mistakes in a short amount of time.

That’s what is going to happen next fall.

Just as the voters in Virginia righted their ship earlier this month by crushing the state's Democrat incumbents, in the 2022 midterm elections the American people are going to sweep the Democrats out of power in Congress on a mighty Red wave.

Until then, let's enjoy this Thanksgiving weekend by thinking of the many things to be thankful for in our great country.


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Darrin Bell A.F. Branco Chip Bok Mike Beckom David Fitzsimmons Gary McCoy