From the Right



The High Price of Biden’s Blunder in Kabul

Michael Reagan on

But when it came time to leave Afghanistan, Joe Biden and his generals – most of whom apparently were asleep at their big desks in D.C. – pulled the soldiers out first and the civilians out second.

America’s fully televised screw-up in Kabul will go down in history as a metaphor for the foolish way we fought and lost the war in Afghanistan.

“Kaos in Kabul,” or however CNN will brand it, will also be remembered as the event that showed the whole world what many of us already knew – that Joe Biden is mentally unfit to be president and his entire administration is as incompetent as he is.

Biden’s public response to the chaos in Kabul this week was pathetic.

After the world watched several days of unforgettable images from Kabul’s airport, he finally emerged from his vacation hideaway at Camp David to speak on TV to the American people.

He read a 19-minute speech trying to explain why leaving Afghanistan was the right thing to do and blaming Afghanistan's leaders and army for the crisis at Kabul's airport and the quick takeover of the country by the Taliban.


Then he turned and shuffled off backstage without answering a single question.

Can you imagine any other president doing that? And then hopping on Marine One and being whisked back to his vacation at Camp David?

“Excuse me, I’ve got to get back. I was lining up a long putt on the 12th green.”

Biden’s speech and his later interview with ABC’s veteran left-handed softball pitcher, George Stephanopoulos, were further proof of his growing dementia and his obsession with undoing Trump’s successful policies.


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