From the Right



President Biden Owns the Kabul Disaster

Michael Reagan on

Politically, President Biden and his party own the disaster in Kabul and the 13 American deaths.

So far he and his friends in the media have not blamed President Trump, but we know they probably will.

Eight months after Trump left office, and they still have not been cured of their Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Biden likes to claim, as he hinted at today, that he inherited the problem of the Afghanistan pull-out from the deal Trump made with the Taliban early in 2020.

But Biden and his generals had eight months to plan how to safely leave Afghanistan without risking American lives and without leaving behind the thousands of Afghans who worked with us.

Yet because he hates Trump so much, Biden immediately threw away the Trump administration’s logical evacuation plan and instead removed U.S. troops first, Americans and other civilians second and left about $80 billion in military gear behind.


No one ever said getting America out of Afghanistan after two decades was going to be easy or bloodless.

But the way the Biden administration has bungled everything in Kabul makes the Bay of Pigs look like a smoothly run operation.

The president likes to blame his biggest problems on what Trump did, but he’s the one who’s responsible for Kabul and for wrecking several important parts of our country in just eight months.

He inherited a mostly closed Southern border with hundreds of miles of new walls – and he immediately opened it up to millions of illegal immigrants.


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John Darkow David Horsey Al Goodwyn Adam Zyglis Gary Varvel Bill Day