From the Right



Impeaching Trump Again Was Almost as Dumb as Closing Schools

Michael Reagan on

Making Sense By Michael Reagan

It’s not often that you can watch a major event playing out on the national stage and predict with certainty how it will end, but this week I have two.

The first is “The Impeachment of Donald Trump, Part 2.”

Like all sequels, it’s much worse than the original melodrama - which is really saying something.

But the ending of the Democrats' second impeachment show trial - if it’s not over already - is as predictable as a Disney movie.

Everyone knows - even the most dishonest journalists in the liberal media - there’s no chance that our ex-president is going to be convicted by the Senate.


Everyone knows - even the always Constitutionally challenged Democrats - that it’s an unconstitutional waste of time to impeach a president who is, um, no longer president.

Everyone also knows it’s cheap political theater to charge Trump with inciting an insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Only CNN thinks “Trump Impeachment Trial, the Sequel” is prime-time news.

Did Donald Trump say and do a lot of dumb and wrong things? Absolutely.

But you can say that about a lot of politicians in both parties in Congress.


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