From the Right



Transgender Madness is Destroying Girls Sports

Michael Reagan on

Making Sense By Michael Reagan

It’s not right.

It’s not fair.

And, on top of all that, President Biden’s executive order allowing transgender males to compete against girls is going to destroy girls sports in America.

Almost every one of Biden’s many executive orders to date is going to be harmful in some way to our security, our battered economy, or both.

Closing the Keystone Pipeline, stopping construction of the border wall and raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour are a few of his terrible mistakes that come to mind.


But the worst order Biden signed was the one saying biological males who have transitioned to females should be allowed to play on high school and college girls sports teams.

It was a dumb, divisive and arrogant order for a unity president to make.

We know presidents resort to using executive orders when they can’t get the stuff they want through Congress. To paraphrase President Biden, they get to play dictator - which he did.

Republicans in Congress have barely made a peep about Biden’s terrible executive order, but do you know who the most conspicuously absent critics of this transgender madness are?


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Tom Stiglich John Cole Kirk Walters Bob Englehart David Horsey Jack Ohman