From the Right



Teed off in Los Angeles

Michael Reagan on

Editor's note: The first version of Michael Reagan's column sent Friday morning was truncated. This is the full version. We regret the error.

Teed Off in Los Angeles

The state of California has felt like a minimum-security prison for eight months.

In the name of fighting the pandemic and preventing our hospitals from being overwhelmed byCOVID-19 patients, the politicians and public health experts have told us "non-essential" Americans where we could go, where we could eat and where and how we could gather with our friends, strangers or fellow worshippers.

They've slowly managed to outlaw any social activity and fun that brings ordinary people happiness.

And now, thanks to Mayor Eric Garcetti and something called the "L.A. County Public Health Temporary Targeted Safer at Home Health Order," everyday life in Los Angeles has become even more miserable and less free.


Reacting to the rising COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths in Los Angeles, this week Garcetti laid down a 14-page list of "guidelines" that a dictator of a banana republic could envy.

Telling us we had to "hunker down," he kept the city's outdoor mask mandate in place and issued a strict new stay-in-your-basement order.

From now until almost Christmas, the mayor decreed, public and private gatherings of people from more than one household are prohibited.

Unless you are on your way to doing something essential, like going to work at a grocery store, gas station or health care facility, even walking is prohibited.


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