From the Right



Trump tamed is Trump triumphant

Michael Reagan on

Overall, President Trump did everything he needed to do to help himself and unmask poor Joe Biden, who looked and sounded like an old, tired and befuddled politician from 1978 – which is what he is.

He abided by the new debate rules and was subdued, but he was still tough. He was on target. Heck, at times he actually looked presidential.

He defended himself on how his administration has handled the Covid-19 plague and helped blacks on prison reform and economic Opportunity Zones.

He touted his economic successes, stressed that the country has to learn to live with the coronavirus and repeated his pledge there will be no more lockdowns.

Trump scored major political points with voters in Texas and Pennsylvania by jumping on Biden’s politically foolish statement that he plans to transition away from the oil industry.

Most important, President Trump consistently gave Biden plenty of time to hang himself while hitting him and his new leftwing ideas with good right-hand jabs.


He baited Biden into committing one of his biggest blunders of the night, getting Biden to defiantly declare, “I never said I opposed fracking.” Several video tapes prove otherwise.

Biden threw the oil industry under the bus along with his old boss Barack Obama, whom he blamed for never solving the immigration problem in eight years. And I’m sure Obama loved hearing his old VP call his new healthcare plan BidenCare.

As we knew he would, Trump also made sure that the readers of the New York Times, the watchers of CNN/MSNBC and the listeners of NPR – whose biased journalists have refused to cover the exploding Hunter Biden scandal – were introduced to the sleazy finances of the Biden Family International Pay-for-Play Racket.

The irresponsible liberal media can continue to protect their “Big Guy” from scrutiny and pretend Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation, but for millions of the potential voters watching, Trump effectively pinned the charge of political corruption on “Ten Percent Joe.”


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David M. Hitch Steve Benson Jeff Danziger Christopher Weyant Jimmy Margulies Dana Summers