From the Right



No News is Relaxing News

Michael Reagan on

I did hear the news about the terrible explosion in Lebanon. But whenever my son Cameron asks me if I had heard about this or that political outrage, I tell him, “No – and don’t tell me.”

Take it from me, becoming oblivious to the nasty partisan bickering and hatred that fills the airwaves every day makes you a happier person.

People listen to Fox to be PO-ed at the left. People listen to CNN and MSNBC to be PO-ed at the right.

At the end of the day, everybody in America goes to bed PO-ed. I haven’t gone to bed PO-ed at Nancy Pelosi once all week.

Before I went into my self-imposed news bubble, all I heard on TV was Democrats and Republicans arguing about who was going to steal the presidential election on Nov. 3

Democrats were saying if Trump lost he would refuse to leave the White House and would have to be removed by force.


Trump was saying the Democrats were pushing mass mail-in voting so they could pad the results and make sure Joe Biden wins.

That kind of talk made me realize that on Election Day I’m going to have to get the hell out of Dodge.

No matter who wins, I truly believe there will be major riots in the streets of many major cities, including Los Angeles.

If Biden wins, conservatives and the right will riot.


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Gary McCoy Bill Day Scott Stantis Kevin Siers Jimmy Margulies Dick Wright