From the Right



Kamala Harris Is a Race Hustler Who Will Send White Men to the Back of the Line and Ignite Racial Animus

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

Vice President Kamala Harris is a race hustler, a divider when the nation needs a unifier.

If Democrats make Harris the nominee for the nation's top job, Americans will be given a stark choice in November: between racial preferences and fairness. A President Harris would rub raw the racial divisions in this country and ignite new violence in ...Read more

Republicans Have the Wind at Their Backs

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

Republicans are launching their presidential race with the wind at their backs, and it's not because of President Joe Biden's mental incapacity or even former President Donald Trump's courageous, fist-pumping response to an attempted assassination.

Voters are switching allegiance out of disgust with the Democratic Party's pro-inflation, pro-...Read more

Time for the 25th Amendment

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

President Joe Biden is incapable of governing. Americans can see it, and perilously our adversaries can too. The U.S. Constitution spells out a remedy in the 25th Amendment. But a constitution is just a piece of paper, only as good as the people who have taken an oath to live by it. For the 25th Amendment to work requires selfless patriotism -...Read more

Supremes Refuse to Normalize Sleeping Rough

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

Whether you live in a city or a small town, you're a winner because of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in City of Grants Pass v. Johnson, announced on Friday. The Supremes ruled 6-3 that municipalities can ban homeless encampments from sidewalks, parks and other public areas. Sleeping in the rough is not a constitutionally guaranteed right, ...Read more

Open Borders Subject Women and Girls in the US to Rapes and Wanton Violence

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

The United Nations calls it "femicide," the wanton assault, rape and murder of girls and women. It's a cultural epidemic in Latin America.

Femicide is visible every step of the way from South America and the Northern Triangle countries to the Mexico-U.S. border. Rape trees, where women's panties hang from branches, and rape tents, where girls...Read more

Ban Sanctuary Laws

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

Your kids aren't safe even in broad daylight. An Ecuadoran migrant held a boy and a girl, both 13, at knifepoint in a park near their Queens school last week, molesting the girl and robbing them of their cellphones.

There is a remedy.

In November, voters everywhere, including New York City, will get to choose between the Democratic Party's ...Read more

Time for the Truth About the Pandemic

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

A group of Dutch medical researchers are igniting a firestorm by calling for an investigation of the deaths caused by vaccine mandates and lockdowns imposed on the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. What's wrong with that?

Everything, if you're part of the global public health mafia and want to avoid questions about the mistakes you made ...Read more

Alvin Bragg -- Nothing to Brag About

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

Saturday afternoon, a Duane Reade security guard was severely stabbed and a shopper threatened by a knife-wielding thief at one of the chain's midtown Manhattan stores.

Roughly 12 hours later, a straphanger was shot in the hand as his train pulled into the 86th street and Lexington Avenue platform.

That's life in Manhattan, where transit ...Read more

Biden's All-of-Government Vote-Buying Scheme

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

To bet on the upcoming presidential election, don't just rely on polls. Look at the billions of taxpayer dollars President Joe Biden is pouring into "community organizations" in "disadvantaged communities" to tip the election scales.

The community organizer who became president, Barack Obama, was a master at machine politics, using federal ...Read more

Stop the Migrant Invasion

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

Americans don't have to surrender their country to the millions wading across the Rio Grande and crashing fences to get in.

In Europe, ordinary people are fighting to save their continent and their standard of living from the impact of mass migration. Americans need to watch these Europeans and be encouraged. Resisting the cost of housing, ...Read more

Shafik and Other College Presidents Have Mission Confusion

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik is urging university leaders across the country to do some "serious soul searching." Good advice. She should start with her own soul. Shafik has the wrong idea about the purpose of a university.

She and likeminded college presidents are turning preeminent universities into factories, churning out ...Read more

Colleges Side With Radicals, Their Students Be Damned

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

The Left and their media allies want you to believe the protests roiling college campuses are spontaneous uprisings of morally fervent students worried about Gaza war victims. Don't fall for that claim. It's a scam. These protesters don't represent most students or the American public.

Yet Monday, Columbia University canceled graduation ...Read more

Trusting China in Inviting Another Pandemic

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

It's one thing to die from natural causes. Worse, to die from a disease leaked by Chinese scientists in a lab and allowed to wipe out millions. That is now almost certainly the explanation for the origins of COVID-19.

And even worse? U.S. taxpayers paid for it.

The U.S. government hasn't learned a thing. Disease watchers are tracking the ...Read more



Rick McKee A.F. Branco Adam Zyglis David Fitzsimmons Christopher Weyant Bob Englehart