From the Left




What We Must Do Now

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

Trump swiftly reacted to President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 election, with typically nasty vitriol. Biden was “not fit to run,” “he wasn’t capable of being President,” “the Worst President, by far, in the History of our Nation,” who “just quit the race in COMPLETE DISGRACE!”

We all know that Trump projects ...Read more


How Are You Coping?

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

I want to ask you, candidly: How are you doing?

The last two weeks — beginning with the Biden-Trump debate when Biden looked and sounded even older than his years and Trump lied even more than usual, followed by the Democrats’ public agonizing over whether Biden should drop out, and then Saturday’s attempted assassination of Trump at a ...Read more

Will Lanzoni/CNN via ZUMA Press Wire/

Why Isn’t the Media Reporting on Trump’s Growing Dementia?

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

A few weeks ago, at a rally in Nevada, Trump told his followers that boat manufacturers are now required to use electric engines. He claimed that someone at a boat company in South Carolina told him, “It’s a problem, sir. They want us to make all-electric boats.” (There is no such requirement.)

Trump then said the South Carolinian warned ...Read more


May I Have a Word With You?

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

I want to try to reassure you about this country.

I know that you’re worried and upset. You have every reason to be. Donald Trump is a vile human being, and he got away with a tsunami of lies Thursday night. Joe Biden didn’t come across with the vitality he needed to show.

I have no idea whether Biden will get his mojo back or the ...Read more


Why I’m scared about Thursday

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

I’m 78 today, and I’m terrified about what might come down Thursday evening when the oldest candidates ever to compete in a presidential race debate each other.

I’m less worried that Biden will suffer a mental lapse or physically stumble than I am that Biden will look weak and Trump appear strong.

One of Trump’s most successful ploys ...Read more

Dominic Gwinn/ZUMA Press Wire/

The Lies That Undermine America

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

Speaking at a rally on Saturday, Trump repeated his lie that the last presidential election was stolen from him, and again raised doubts about the integrity of the upcoming election. “We need to watch the vote. We need to guard the vote. We need to stop the steal,” he said.

How can we conduct a presidential election when one candidate and ...Read more

James Gasperotti/ZUMA Press Wire/

It’s Not Too Late to Harden American Democracy Against Trump

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

As usual, Trump signals what he’s planning to do before he does it.

He’s already signaled that he won’t accept the results of the 2024 election if he loses. Since announcing his candidacy, he has cast doubt on the fairness of the 2024 election on average once a day (according to an analysis by The New York Times).

As he did before the ...Read more


A Tale of Two Consumers

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

The government measures all sorts of consumer behavior: consumer spending, consumer confidence, consumer sentiment. The business pages are filled with analyses about whether consumers are buying or holding back, flush or poor.

But there’s not one American consumer. There are really two — and increasingly they live in different worlds.

...Read more

Collin Xavier/Image Press Agency/Collin Xavier/Image Press Agency

The Dangerous Anti-Democracy Coalition

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

Elon Musk and entrepreneur and investor David Sacks reportedly held a secret billionaire dinner party in Hollywood last month. Its purpose: to defeat Joe Biden and reinstall Donald Trump in the White House. The guest list included Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Milken, Travis Kalanick, and Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s Treasury secretary.

...Read more


The Loathsomeness of Trump World

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

There is something important about Trump’s criminal trial in New York that’s not being openly talked about. I don’t mean we’re not getting the facts about what’s happening in Manhattan Superior Court. But something very big is being left out.

The trial has introduced us to a world of moral and ethical loathsomeness in which people use...Read more


America’s Second Civil War? It Has Slready Begun

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

Despite the popularity of the recent movie “Civil War,” we’re not on the verge of a second one. But we are separating into so-called “red” and “blue.” And if Trump is reelected president, he’ll hasten the separation.

Since the Supreme Court’s decision to reverse Roe v. Wade left the issue of abortion to the states, one out ...Read more


What I’m telling my graduating students

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

My students are graduating at a tremulous time.

The largest campus protest movement of the 21st century. The first criminal trial of a former U.S. president. The most restrictive abortion laws in the nation. Two horrific wars.

All of this coming after a pandemic that claimed the lives of over a million Americans. And after the first attack on ...Read more


The Most Important Litmus Test of All

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

If there’s one thing that keeps me up at night, it’s my worry that those of us who are dedicated to democracy and therefore committed to playing by the rules are underestimating the willingness of House Republicans to break the rules to elect Trump.

It’s easy to forget that most current Republican members of the House, including ...Read more



Jeff Danziger David Horsey Bart van Leeuwen John Branch Joey Weatherford Kevin Siers