From the Left



Cliches Conservatives Say

By Clarence Page, Tribune Media Services on

Like many of us who pontificate for a living, my column-writing colleague Jonah Goldberg apparently toils away in daily frustration that so many people fail to take his political advice.

That would explain his new book, which takes on one of the world's least-threatening problems, the political cliches that many people utter as a substitute for original thoughts.

It is titled, "The Tyranny of Cliches: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas." With a title like that, need I bother to mention that the author is a conservative?

As such, he focuses on the cliches that trouble him most, which happen to be those that he has heard uttered by liberals. That's sort of like reading Playboy for the articles; it's interesting, but something important is missing.

I do agree that some cliches like "violence never settles anything" need to go, at least until we find a good substitute for the word "never." In fact, history offers many examples of violence settling things, although not always in ways that were expected by its initiators. Vietnam, Iraq and the secession of the Confederacy come immediately to mind.

But the more of Goldberg's book that I read, the more appreciation I feel for the pithy power of the bumper-sticker truisms that he ridicules.


I like, for example, the old chestnut, "Better ten guilty men go free than one innocent man suffer." Goldberg responds, "So you won't mind if those ten guilty men move next door to you?" Sure, but why blame the innocent guy for the ten guilty guys next door? I would blame our criminal justice system for its failure to do what taxpayers pay them to do: protect not only our lives and property but also our constitutional rights.

This barroom argument would not annoy me as much if there were not 289 exonerations of convicted individuals thanks to DNA evidence since 1989, according to the Innocence Project. The DNA era confirms some of our worst fears: We're getting the worst of both worlds. Innocents are suffering while guilty go free. And Goldberg jokes about it. Whoopie.

And the author doesn't like "Diversity is strength," either. ("Cool," he writes. "The NBA should have a quota for midgets and one-legged point guards!")

Yet, without getting into the deep weeds of affirmative action debates, this country has prospered as a result of its mulligan stew of ethnics -- its Pages and Goldbergs, etc., etc. -- and our ability, more often than not, to work together with a sense of common purpose despite our differences.


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