


Today's Word "extirpate"

To annihilate or exterminate on

Published in Vocabulary

extirpate \EK-stehr-peyt\ (verb) - 1 : To completely remove surgically. 2 : To annihilate, exterminate, destroy completely, especially by rooting out.

"We are going to extirpate every single source of drugs in the city."


Latin exstirpare "to root out, eradicate" from ex "out (of)" + stirp-s "trunk, root." Related to torp-ere "to be stiff" found in torpid, torpedo. The same PIE stem is found in English starve (from OE steorfan "to die") and German sterben "to die (become stiff)." Extirpation (action noun), extirpative (adjective), extirpator (agentive noun).


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