


Today's Word "Wamble"

To move unsteadily on

Published in Vocabulary

wamble \WOM-buhl\ (verb intr.) - 1 : To move unsteadily; to totter, waver, roll, etc. 2 : To feel nausea. 3 : (Of a stomach) To rumble or growl.

(noun) - 1 : An unsteady motion. 2 : A feeling of nausea.

"Such was the wamble introduced to the craft by the sea's violent pitching that Nell began to lurch and wamble about the interior of the cabin and soon felt a bit of a wamble resulting from the afternoon's rich repast."


From Middle English wamelen (to feel nausea). Ultimately from Indo-European root wem- (to vomit) that's also the source of words such as vomit and emetic (something that induces vomiting).


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