


Today's Word "obfuscate"

To confuse or bewilder on

Published in Vocabulary

obfuscate \OB-fuh-skayt\ (transitive verb) - 1 : To darken or render indistinct or dim. 2 : To make obscure or difficult to understand or make sense of. 3 : To confuse or bewilder.

"You obfuscate. You stupefy me. You bewilder me. ... And I do not know why you obfuscate. Presumably it's because nothing is clear to you any more..." -- Paul Scott, 'Staying On'


Obfuscate comes from Late Latin obfuscatus, past participle of obfuscare, "to darken," from Latin ob- + fuscare, "to darken," from fuscus, "dark." The noun form is obfuscation.


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