


How long did Dickens take to write A Christmas Carol?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

2 Months
2 Days
2 Years
2 Weeks

Who wrote the biography of Alice B. Toklas?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Eudora Welty
Gertrude Stein
Alice B. Toklas
Mary Ann Evans

The title of the novel "Catch-22" refers to what?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

A No-Win Situation
The Final Clause In A Contract
The Chapter Of Law
A Legal Code

In the 2007 book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", who is living at the Malfoy's home?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Albus Dumbledore
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Lord Voldemort

What is the most feared room in "Nineteen Eighty-Four"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Room 101
End Of The Line Room
Big Brother's Den
Room 666

Which is a popular children's book by Madeleine L'Engle?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Jacob Have I Loved
Island Of The Blue Dolphins
Johnny Tremain
A Wrinkle In Time

What early American poet was the mentor of Henry David Thoreau?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Washington Irving
Edgar Allan Poe
Walt Whitman

What is Joyce Carol Oates' novel published in 2007 with a protagonist named Rebecca?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

The Gravedigger's Daughter
Broke Heart Blues
The Tattooed Girl

What popular illustrator contributed to "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

J.K. Rowling
Carl Banks
Mary GrandPre
Maxfield Parrish

Which newspaper columnist also wrote fourteen best selling books?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Ann Landers
Dave Barry
Erma Bombeck

The Ancient Egyptian book of funeral customs is called what?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Heaven Helper
Book Of The Dead
The Mummy Handbook
Afterlife Guide

Who wrote the best seller "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Rod McKuen
Neil Simon
Sam Shepard
Richard Bach

In "The Black Stallion", what is the horse's other name?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

The Prize
The Sheik

Where are a group of mummified bodies discovered in Lisa Gardner's book "Hide"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

The Basement of a House
A Former Mental Hospital
A Satanic Church
An Abandoned Warehouse

Who becomes the new queen at the end of "Bridge to Terabithia"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

May Belle
Miss Edmunds
Mrs. Burke

Who wrote the children's novel "Black Beauty"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Mark Twain
J. D. Lang
Anna Sewell
F. Scott Fitzgerald

What ghostly spirit chased Ichabod Crane in "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Mr. Hyde
Bram Stoker
The Headless Horseman



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