


Who wrote the novel "The Prince and the Pauper"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

John Steinbeck
Mark Twain
Sinclair Lewis
Aldous Huxley

Who wrote the science fiction book "Stranger in a Strange Land"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Kurt Vonnegut
Robert A. Heinlein
Roger Zelazny
Joe Haldeman

In "Harriet the Spy", Harriet and her friends form a club and give it what name?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Sport Club
Sandwich Club
Writers Club
Spy Catchers Club

Edward Albee wrote this famous play in the sixties?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Breakfast At Tiffany's
The Misfits
Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?
Funny Girl

Where did J.K. Rowling write most of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

At Work On Her Lunch Break
At The Local Library
On Her 1980's Typewriter At Home
In Edinburgh Cafes

In the novel of the same name, who was the owner of Jurassic Park?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

John Hammond
George Frankenstein
Thomas Fisher
Bruce Wayne

Who wrote the sci-fi book "Ringworld"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

H.G. Wells
Isaac Asimov
Larry Niven
Arthur C. Clarke

"Marley was dead to begin with" is the first line of what famous novel?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

The Color Purple
The Godfather
A Christmas Carol

What novel uses the term "doubleplusungood"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Catcher In The Rye
Lord Of The Flies
Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory

How can Scrooge avoid the future he is shown in "A Christmas Carol"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Change His Personality
Build A Hospital
Start A Charity
Build A School

Naomi Norvik's "His Majesty's Dragon" was released under what title in the United Kingdom?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Ship's Dragon
The Battle Of Waterloo
Her Majesty's Dragon

Who wrote the book "The Dragon Prince"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Stephen King
Anne McCaffrey
Melanie Rawn
Anne Rice

In the book "Cross", who is given the nickname "The Butcher of Sligo"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Ned Mahoney
Michael Collins
John Maggione
Alex Cross

What is the primary subject of the best-selling book "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

The Bible
The War In Iraq
The Law Of Attraction
Web 2.0

In what dialect of Italian is "The Divine Comedy" written?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /


Who wrote "The Odyssey"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /


Who is the elephant-headed deity in Hinduism?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /


Which famous writer was recognized as a social satirist later in his career?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Kurt Vonnegut
Stephen King
H.G. Wells
Jules Verne

In "Flowers for Algernon", who is Algernon?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

The Dumb Janitor
The Brain Surgeon
The Pigeon
The Mouse



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