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Chocolate Ganache

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Chocolate Ganache

Sinfully delicious...and only three ingredients.


8 oz of dark chocolate. You want to use 70-80% cacao. That will give you the dark chocolate flavor with fewer carbs. Don’t use 90-100% cacao or it will taste too strong.
¾ cup of whipping cream
1-1/2 tsp of vanilla. When I make flavored ganache I still add the vanilla for smoothness.



Dice your chocolate into bits and put them in a bowl that can handle warm frosting. The smaller you dice them the easier this will come together.

In a small saucepan heat the whipping cream just until bubbles form around the edge of the pan. You don’t want to really boil it or it will boil over. Keep a close eye on it. You just want it hot.

Immediately pour the hot cream over the chocolate and stir with a whisk. You want to continually stir the mixture until it’s totally smooth. Then add your vanilla and stir again.

The ganache is ready. Now you have some decisions to make.


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