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Cocoa-Fruit Superfood Smoothie

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Cocoa-Fruit Superfood Smoothie

This is a Z3 (ZReboot) recipe. Adding the almond butter and peanut butter makes it smooth and delicious. Almost a chocolate peanut butter cup, but exceedingly good for you.


2 cups of unsweetened Almond or Coconut Milk
2-4 Tbl unsweetened Whey Protein or Hemp Protein or Rice Protein
1 Tbl ground flax seeds
1 Tbl organic cacao powder
5 drops of liquid stevia
1/3 cup of frozen organic berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries or mixed berries)
Optional: 1 Tbl unsweetened almond or peanut butter


Pour almond milk into Magic Bullet or blender. Add the rest of the ingredients in order. Put the frozen berries in last. Blend for at least 60 seconds.


The best advice I’ve gotten from the smoothie books is to eat your smoothie.

Take a sip and chew it. You’ll have chia seeds and flax seeds. Your saliva will start the digestion process.

Plan on savoring it for at least 15 minutes instead of slamming it.

I add more protein powder on the day of and day after my weight lifting workout.





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