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Butternut Squash Fries

Zola on


1 butternut squash (try to find a long, skinny one, they have fewer seeds)
olive oil spray
sea salt
pepper (optional)


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. If you have a convection setting use that at 375 degrees.

Peel your squash with a vegetable peeler. Toss peels in the trash. I don’t put them in a garbage disposal. They can clog. With a VERY SHARP knife cut the ends off of your squash and toss those. Then cut your squash into half-inch discs. You can also cut around the seeded section and get even more ‘fries.’


When you have the discs cut, lay each one flat and cut across them to make half-inch wide sticks that resemble potato fries. Spray a cookie sheet with oil. Place the fries on there and don’t let them touch each other. They need room to circulate the heat. Spray the tops and grate on your sea salt to taste. Even some pepper if you like that on your fries.

Roast in your oven for approximately 20-30 minutes. You can see them begin to brown toward the end. I like mine cooked a bit more so you can see what they looked like when I took them out.

Once you start eating these “fries” you’ll never miss the other ones. They taste sweet and wonderful; even better than sweet potato fries. No ketchup necessary.

Enjoy these a LOT!




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