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(Easy) Raspberry Gelee and Ground Beef and Roasted Poblano Roll Ups

Zola Gorgon on

Today I’m giving you two recipes. I have been working more on ZReduction recipes for Plan Z, the diet. Diet food that doesn’t taste like diet food. Some folks want comfort food while they are on a diet so I am giving it to them. The first one is a dessert. The Raspberry Gelee. The name sounds fancy but this dessert can be eaten on a Tuesday night or at a dinner party. Goes well at either occasion. If you were a kid at the time that Jello came out with a product called Jello 1-2-3 and you got to try it, you’ll revert right back to childhood when you taste this. They used to call the levels ‘foam, sauce and jelly-jammy’. This dessert has them all. It’s not processed food though like Jello. This is all natural. You make it in your own kitchen in about five minutes. Bingo.

The other dish is a perfect lunch or dinner when you don’t want to be fancy. You just want to eat comfort food with extra flavor. Try them both. They both go great together to round out a meal too. Sort of a retro-combo.

Raspberry Gelee (VERY easy)

Serves 5. Can easily be doubled

For those of you old enough to remember the Jello product that formed 3 layers (foam, sauce and jelly-jammie) you’ll know exactly what this tastes like except this one is made with natural ingredients and actually includes REAL raspberries! I had a flashback to childhood as I ate this.

This is also elegant enough to serve at a dinner party. Serving it in a pretty clear serving dish will show off the layers but any dish will do. It can also be made with strawberries or blackberries.


1 envelope of unflavored gelatin
3/4 cup of water
2 packets of Truvia
1 tsp of vanilla
2.5 pints of raspberries

Put the gelatin into the water. Heat 1min 30sec on your microwave or until it’s almost boiling. Stir the gelatin until it dissolves.

In a small blender, add one pint of the raspberries along with the gelatin mixture and the Truvia as well as the vanilla. Blend 'til smooth. The smooth mixture will look pink.

Take out your dishes. Put a small handful of raspberries into each dish. Reserve a few for garnish. Pour the pink mixture over. Divide evenly amongst the dishes. Put in the refrigerator for at least an hour to firm up. If you are going to leave them in the refrigerator longer, then cover the tops with plastic wrap.


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