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Kary Osmond: Farmhouse soup reminds me of my grandmother

Kary Osmond, on

Often at the end of the week I have a few leftover ingredients in the fridge that I like to turn into soup. Soup that I either freeze or keep in the fridge for the following week’s lunches.

This particular soup reminds me of the soups my grandmother used to make on the farm. Most of the ingredients in the soup were grown on her farms and kept through the winter months in their underground root cellar and used up until the following year’s new bounty.

Farmhouse Soup

Serves 4 to 6

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 1/2 cups finely diced onion


1 cup finely diced carrot

1/2 cups finely diced celery

3 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 teaspoon salt


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