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Fridge and pantry staples to the rescue!

By Kary Osmond on

I've been trying to come up with recipes that use ingredients in my fridge and pantry, limiting unnecessary trips to the grocery store. The following recipe combines a variety of textures and flavors that can easily be swapped for ingredients you have on hand.

Freekeh is wheat that has been harvested while young and green; and because it's been roasted, it has a subtle smoky flavor. It has a chewy texture similar to bulgur or farro, which makes it the perfect base for a pilaf or salad.

Roasted Vegetables with Freekeh

Serves 3 to 4

For the vegetables:


2 tablespoons olive oil

13 Brussels sprouts, quartered, about 4 cups

4 cups sweet potatoes

1 red onion, sliced


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