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Roasted radishes hit the spot

By Kary Osmond on

Radishes come in many shapes, colors and sizes. This root vegetable is actually the root of a plant that belongs to the mustard family. The coloring includes red, purple and even black, and the flavoring can be mild to peppery.

I love buying freshly picked radishes from the farmers market. I can't resist their color, especially the red ones. I'll use them grated in salads or quartered on veggie platters; however, I find I always have a bunch left over. A great way to use them up is to roast them, which mellows their spicy bite.

This recipe makes an easy side dish to accompany a rice pilaf, tabbouleh or chickpea quinoa salad.

Roasted Radishes

Serves 2 to 4


1 bunch radishes, washed, trimmed and halved

1 tablespoon olive oil




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