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The new scone in town

By Kary Osmond on

I love scones, sweet or savory, and I find it next to impossible to pass one up; especially when they're still warm. This is why I delivered freshly baked scones to my neighbors after testing this recipe a few times. It was either that, or be tempted to eat them all.

Generally when I think savory scones, I think of cheese-flavored scones. But there's a new scone in town! These kale and caramelized onion scones are perfection on their own, but they also make a delicious sandwich and go so well with soup.

In most scone recipes, heating the oven is the first step. For this recipe, you should make the caramelized onions first. Caramelized onions take a bit of time and require patience to become sweet tender ribbons. For success, I always make them with a wooden spoon in hand and a cup of water next to the stove. When the sugars stick to the pan and start to darken too quickly, and panic sets in, a splash of water and a good stir will lift them from the bottom of the pan so the sugars don't burn.

Kale & Caramelized Onion Scones

Make 8 large scones


2 teaspoons olive oil

3 cups sliced onion

1 cup unsweetened almond or soy milk

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar


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