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Firecracker hot dogs are perfect for your holiday menu

America's Test Kitchen on

The Fourth of July, also called Independence Day, is an American holiday celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Independence — which happened (no surprise!) on July 4, 1776. The Declaration of Independence stated that the American colonies were no longer under British rule; they were now independent states.

Today we celebrate Independence Day with fireworks, parades and barbecues, where we serve classic “American” foods such as hot dogs, burgers and potato salad. Instead of simply grilling your dogs and slapping them on a bun this year, grab the kids and try this baking method that results in a big bite that one of our young recipe testers couldn’t have loved more, saying, “It’s like a piggy in a blanket, but Hulk-size!”

Firecracker Hot Dogs

Serves 8


Vegetable oil spray


8 hot dogs

1 can biscuit dough

1 large egg, lightly beaten

1 tablespoon sesame seeds


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