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My Pet World: Finding cat-proof fencing to keep your cats in your yard

Cathy M. Rosenthal, Tribune Content Agency on

Start by teaching your dog to poop on command. As soon as he starts to pee or poop during your walks, say “go potty,” and then follow it with a reward word, like “Bingo,” and a high value treat for doing it. Repeat this every time he urinates or poops during the walk. When you know he understands the phrase, begin telling him to “go potty” before he indicates he has to go to see if he will follow your command. If he associates it with the high value treat, he should do it.

After about two weeks of him obeying this command while on your walks, take him into your backyard when you know he has to relieve himself and while on a leash (since he is used to reliving himself while tethered to you) and give him the command as you walk him around the yard. Then wait for him to go potty. When he urinates or poops, use your reward word, and give him a high value treat. If he doesn’t “go potty” on command after 10 minutes, bring him into the house for 20 minutes and then take him back out again, and repeat this process until he goes.

From this point forward, take him into the yard on a leash and give the command BEFORE you go for your walk. Once he relieves himself, take him on a walk as a reward.

Once he gets the hang of going on command on leash, you can let him into the yard without the leash and give him the command from your back door, and he should go. Always give him the reward word and treat when he does to continually reinforce this behavior, since this is a new behavior for him.

As for your barren backyard, add a few potted plants, so he has something to urinate on.



(Cathy M. Rosenthal is a longtime animal advocate, author, columnist and pet expert who has more than 25 years in the animal welfare field. Send your pet questions, stories and tips to Please include your name, city, and state. You can follow her @cathymrosenthal.)

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