

Home & Leisure

It's Never Too Late To Learn Something New

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: I won't give my exact age, but I'm somewhere "mid-life." My struggle is that I fear I've wasted too much time and won't ever achieve anything worthwhile. Do you have any thoughts or encouragement?

Jim: You might be in your thirties or forties, maybe even into your fifties. Regardless of your age, or what you have (or have not) done yet, keep...Read more

Advice On Moving Forward After Divorce

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: I never thought I'd get divorced. I tried hard to save my marriage, but ... well, it's over now. Family and friends are telling me to move on with my children and start fresh. Do you have any thoughts?

Jim: Research shows that the stress and heartache of a broken marriage can be as significant as losing someone to death, especially for ...Read more

Offer Financial Help With No Strings Attached

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: Our daughter has been married less than a year. Two months ago her husband's job was downsized; they're starting to experience some real financial struggles while he looks for work. We have the means to help them and we're happy to ... but we also don't want them to become (or feel) dependent on us. Do you have any advice?

Jim: I applaud ...Read more

Adult Daughter Has Decided To Move Back With Parents

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: My husband and I have been looking forward to the freedom of an "empty nest." But suddenly our adult daughter has decided that she needs to come back and "get her life together before moving on to the next step." We have no idea what that means, exactly, or how long she's planning to stay. Do you have any advice?

Jim: You're certainly not ...Read more



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