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Answer Angel: Looking for an alternative to jeans

Ellen Warren, Tribune News Service on

Published in Fashion Daily News

Dear Answer Angel Ellen: Please help! Glade discontinued its Powder Fresh Spray that I used for years. Their Clean Linen and flowery scents are so artificial or sickeningly sweet they make me gag. I’d try the Febreeze air fresheners, but I can’t afford to buy dozens of cans to find one I like. Can your readers tell me what they like that has a more natural, less offensive scent? I can’t use one of the plug-ins the industry is promoting as I don’t have an extra electrical outlet.

--Elizabeth M.

Dear Nancy: It is remarkable how many questions I get about products that readers love that are discontinued! It is not just air fresheners, of course, but lipstick, perfume, foundation, eye makeup of all sorts, crispy sheets, cleaning products, wardrobe classics. Don’t get me started. You’re in good company. Even fashion heavy hitters like Tory Burch complain (in the Wall Street Journal): “Everything I love is discontinued.”

What smells great to you might be grating on others so I can’t recommend an air freshener you will love but perhaps readers have suggestions of not-cloying, natural scent air fresheners that are good subs for your Glade.

Dear Answer Angel Ellen: I've tried the Thrive Lash Extension mascara mentioned in your recent column but didn't find it any better than the less expensive L’Oréal. My real question: Is there any mascara that comes in a container that shows you what's left so you're not throwing away usable product?


--Nancy G.

Dear Nancy: No. At least I don’t know of any. There are very few cosmetics packaged so we are able to tell when the supply is getting low. And usually there is plenty you can’t get at — by makers’ design? -- because of the packaging. There are many drugstore cosmetics every bit as good (if not better than) the more expensive “exclusive” brands, like well-priced CeraVe at drugstores, Target, Walmart, etc.

Angelic Readers

A tip from Barb T.: “For our local theatre, I managed the costume shop and worked in the wardrobe department for many years. So, in a pinch, between trips to the dry cleaners, we would turn costumes inside out and mist them (using a spray bottle) with the cheapest vodka we could find. The vodka neutralized odor, evaporated quickly and left no stains. As with any product used on textiles one should always test in a hidden spot.”

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