


Have we made a wrong decision?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Our neighbors learned that we were giving a yard party for a church group and offered the use of their grill. In turn, we invited them to join us, though they were against our particular belief system. They came and we were so proud of how our church friends treated them and showed interest in them. The next week, our neighbors reminded us that they had contributed to our party, and asked if we would make our pool available for a party they were allowing their teenagers to have that included an open bar (and they invited our teenagers to participate). We had no choice but to decline their request. They said that we were hypocrites and that our judgment of them showed nothing of Christian love. I believe we made the right decision, but I’m disturbed by this, particularly since we have shown them Christian love in so many ways through the years. Have we made a wrong decision? – C.L.

A: When an unbeliever accuses a Christian of being a hypocrite, we should at least consider what they have to say in case we’re at fault. But not every accusation is justified; sometimes the accuser is just being selfish and unreasonable. We aren’t hypocritical just because we don’t meet a person’s every demand.

Christian love is not shown when there is compromise involved. Sometimes love says no, because that’s what is best. When we can fill someone’s reasonable request, it can open up ways to share the Gospel; however, we must never compromise our own conduct or testimony to do so.

May we always be examples to others of Jesus’ selfless love – and may He grant us wisdom to know what that will mean in every situation. Follow the instructions of the Lord and “do not compromise with evil” (Psalm 119:3, NLT).



(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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