


Should Christians under satanic attack look for our “way of escape?”


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: How does a Christian deal with temptation? – F.T.

A: J. Edwin Orr once compared the Christian attacked by Satan to a mouse being attacked by a mother wielding a broom. The mouse doesn’t sit there contemplating the mother or the broom. It’s busy looking for a way to escape. So we Christians under satanic attack should look for our “way of escape.” God says that He has made such a way.

Temptation is not a sign that our lives are not right with God. Many times, it’s actually a sign that we are right with God. Temptation is not sin. God never tempts His own children. He never causes His children to doubt. All doubts and temptations come from the devil; he cannot compel a person to yield to the temptation. His power is made inoperative in the life of a yielded Christian who is completely dependent upon God.

A poet put it this way: “The devil trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees.”

Our responsibility is to stay far from temptation, but when we face it, we demonstrate our dependence on God by calling on the Name of Jesus to give us boldness in our refusal to submit to the devil.


The New Testament book of Jude tells us the archangel Michael contended with the devil and said, “The Lord rebuke you” (Jude 9). Michael called upon God to take care of the devil, and He did!

Don’t savor temptations, don’t dwell on them or toy with them or replay them over in your mind. The more you think about a particular temptation, the more enticing it becomes. That’s what Eve did; she thought about Satan’s temptation. We must do what Joseph did when faced with temptation — flee. Flee from sin and stay close to Christ.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2023 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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